We’re on our way to our goal of a Declaration of Inclusion being adopted and implemented by each of Vermont’s 247 towns and cities!
As of January 13, 2025, 160 towns and cities, home to more than 79.4% of the population have adopted the Declaration of Inclusion.
Athens | Hancock | Ryegate |
Bakersfield | Hardwick | Salisbury |
Barre City | Hartford | Saxtons River |
Bellows Falls | Hartland | Shaftsbury |
Bennington | Hinesburg | Sharon |
Berlin | Holland | Shelburne |
Bethel | Huntington | Shoreham |
Bolton | Hyde Park | Shrewsbury |
Bradford | Isle La Motte | South Burlington |
Braintree | Jamaica | South Hero |
Brandon | Jericho | Springfield |
Brattleboro | Johnson | St. Albans City |
Brighton | Johnson Village | St. George |
Bristol | Landgrove | St. Johnsbury |
Brookfield | Lincoln | Stannard |
Brookline | Londonderry | Starksboro |
Burlington | Ludlow | Stowe |
Cabot | Manchester | Strafford |
Calais | Marlboro | Stratton |
Cambridge | Marshfield | Sudbury |
Canaan | Mendon | Sunderland |
Castleton | Middlebury | Sutton |
Cavendish | Middlesex | Swanton |
Charlotte | Middletown Springs | Swanton Village |
Chelsea | Milton | Thetford |
Chester | Montpelier | Tinmouth |
Chittenden | Moretown | Tunbridge |
Clarendon | Morristown | Underhill |
Colchester | Mount Tabor | Vergennes |
Concord | Newfane | Vernon |
Corinth | Northfield | Vershire |
Cornwall | Orwell | Waitsfield |
Danby | Panton | Walden |
Danville | Pawlet | Wallingford |
Dorset | Pittsfield | Waltham |
Dover | Pittsford | Warren |
Dummerston | Plainfield | Washington |
Duxbury | Plymouth | Waterbury |
East Montpelier | Pomfret | Waterford |
Elmore | Poultney | West Fairlee |
Essex | Pownal | West Rutland |
Essex Junction Village | Proctor | West Windsor |
Fair Haven | Putney | Westminster |
Fairfax | Randolph | Weston |
Fairlee | Richford | Weybridge |
Fayston | Richmond | Williamstown |
Franklin | Ripton | Williston |
Georgia | Rochester | Wilmington |
Glover | Rockingham | Windsor |
Grand Isle | Roxbury | Winooski |
Greensboro | Royalton | Wolcott |
Guildhall | Rutland City | Woodstock |
Guilford | Rutland Town | Woodstock Village |
Worcester |
The Selectboards of several other towns have approved statements of inclusion which we applaud, but which do not conform to our guidelines and therefore are not listed above:
Craftsbury |
Derby |
Killington |
Reading |
St. Albans Town |
Troy |
Westfield |
- NAACP of Rutland County
- Social Equity Caucus (Vermont Legislature)
- Vermont Chamber of Commerce
- Vermont Council on Rural Development
- Vermont Interfaith Action
- Vermont League of Cities and Towns
- Abundant Sun
- Brattleboro Area Chamber of Commerce
- Brattleboro Development Corporation
- Burton Snowboards
- Christ Church Presbyterian, Burlington
- Edgar May Health and Recreation Center
- First Baptist Church of Burlington
- Guilford Community Church, United Church of Christ
- Lamoille County Regional Planning Commission
- Mount Ascutney School District
- Northwest Regional Planning Commission
- Rutland City Board of School Commissioners
- Rutland Regional Planning Commission
- Rutland Young Professionals
- Stowe Area Association
- The Queechee Club
- Vermont Futures Project
- Vermont Office of Racial Equity
- Vermont Partnership for Fairness and Diversity
- Vermont Professionals of Color Network
- Vermont Psychological Association
- Vermont Student Anti-Racism Network (VSARN)