In-Depth Implementation

  • Form a Diversity Equity and Inclusion Committee with a mandate to guide the town in its effort to become more diverse and inclusive and to report back to the Select Board. An important early job of the committee will be to review the town’s official policies, programs, ordinances and procedures to be sure they are free of implicit or institutional bias.
  • Review economic development, recruitment and employment policies to ensure they are welcoming, supportive and reaffirming of commitment to inclusion and arrange for “implicit bias” training for city or town staff.
  • Brainstorm with other adopting towns for creative ways to reach out to marginalized groups or individuals and new arrivals to give them a sense of belonging and value within the community.
  • Task the committee with researching, gathering and overseeing the most effective ideas for creating a more welcoming community and to issue periodic reports to the Select Board and the town.
  • Assess current work environment for town employees; do they feel safe, welcome and appreciated? Update policies to clarify how workers can have grievances heard and reviewed in a timely, fair and comfortable manner.
  • Urge local schools, non-profits, corporations, etc. to adopt a statement of inclusion and offer bias training.

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