This information is intended for use by cities and towns in Vermont for taking steps toward implementation of your Declaration of Inclusion.
Small steps to inform your residents of the wording of the DOI and the reasons behind adopting it:
- Add the Declaration to the town website or hang a framed copy in the Town Clerks office and include reasons why the Select Board believes this is an important step forward for the town.
- Print the Declaration in the Town Newsletter along with the reasons for adopting. Perhaps this is the first of a series of articles.
- Include in the Towns Annual Report along with a report of the broader role that Inclusion, Diversity, and equity are playing throughout the State of Vermont and the far-reaching implications of the 2020 Census which show that Vermont has a dwindling and aging population.
Guidelines for Adoption:
Recently, some municipalities have adopted Declarations that we feel do not reflect the level of spirit, scope, and intent we seek. For that reason, in order for a municipality to be listed as having adopted a Declaration of Inclusion, its Declaration should meet and adhere to the following guidelines:
– A strong welcome for all people to the town
– A condemnation of discrimination against members of marginalized groups
– An enumeration of marginalized groups
– A commitment to fair and equal treatment of all residents
– A commitment by town leadership to review and act on town policies, activities and operating procedures to ensure they are free of bias.
Rewording the Declaration:
The organization may wish to change the wording. This is acceptable provided the basic thoughts are preserved, the designated groups are considered, and they continue to be included. Please refer to the Guidelines for Adoption, above.