Getting Started

  • Add the Declaration of Inclusion to the town website and include the reasons why the Select Board or municipal leadership believes this is an important step forward.

  • Hang a framed copy in the Town/City Clerk’s office, Police, Fire Department and Public Works offices and other town/city facilities.  Post it on town bulletin boards. Request the School Board to follow your lead.

  • Print the Declaration in your town/city newsletter explaining that you are participating in a statewide effort toward greater diversity.  This could be the first of a series of articles. Consider including the far-reaching implications of the 2020 Census which showed that Vermont has an aging and dwindling population and/or the Vermont Futures Report that explains that 100,000 Vermonters are expected to retire in the next 10 years.

  • Include the Declaration each year in the town/city Annual Report, along with a statement of what your municipality has accomplished the previous year to further diversity, inclusion, welcoming and belonging.

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