Adopting The Declaration

Why Adopt a Declaration of Inclusion?

A town or city adopting a Declaration of Inclusion is making a statement to its citizens and to others that it is a town that believes in treating everyone fairly, recognizing that “everyone” does not look or act alike, that we expect our municipal government to abolish any language in ordinances, hiring practices and police protocols that favor the white majority or diminish the rights of others.

A town or city may not necessarily be reacting to a prior incident or situation but, in most cases, will just be doing what is right and fair for all citizens – present and future. A welcoming town thrives because it encourages diversity, which brings new vitality to the economy and increased tax revenue.

Evidence of Commitment

Town Level

Inclusion in the town’s website, employee manuals, police protocols, newsletters, economic development marketing materials, etc.

State Level

Inclusion in major addresses by leading state officials, printed materials used to welcome visitors, policies and operating procedures, external communications, public relations pieces, etc.

Organizational Level

Inclusion in policies, operating procedures, and similar documents used by labor unions, law enforcement agencies, and academic institutions and other organizations throughout the state.

Guidelines for Adoption

In order for a town to be listed as having adopted a Declaration of Inclusion, as of December 1, 2022, a Declaration of Inclusion should meet and adhere to the following guidelines:

– A strong welcome for all people to the town

– A condemnation of discrimination against members of marginalized groups

– An enumeration of marginalized groups

– A commitment to fair and equal treatment of all residents

– A commitment by town leadership to review and act on town policies, activities and operating procedures to ensure they are free of bias

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